HealthySleep specializes in mechanical ventilation. We provide a wide portfolio of ventilators, imported from Germany, that can ventilate most paediatric and adult patients. Our portfolio spans:ICU ventilation
CPAP ventilation
Advance homecare ventilation
BIPAP ventilation
HealthySleep specializes in mechanical ventilation. We provide a wide portfolio of ventilators, imported from Germany, that can ventilate most paediatric and adult patients. Our portfolio spans:ICU ventilation
Advance homecare ventilation
BIPAP ventilation
CPAP ventilation
Safe and sound ventilation at all times
When the respiratory system is ravaged by disease or injured in an accident, ventilation of the lungs can be impaired to a life-threatening degree.
We develop reliable, customized solutions that restore proper ventilation and unload the respiratory system as per the patient’s needs.
Patient safety, effective treatment and operating convenience are our prime concerns.
Our work results in products that automatically ventilate in response to patient needs and thereby offer maximum support to patients and assistance to medical personnel.